
Observations on US v Honduras June 18, 2013

Observations Sometimes it is difficult for me to determine whether one team is very good or the other team is just bad. I had that feeling last night. This was an overwhelming 1-0 victory. The US team dominated in all phases of the game and all areas of the field. Honduras sat back and occasionally tried to counter attack but it was hard to sustain their lone attacker against four large and fast defenders. In fact it was hard for Honduras to put two or three passes together and if anyone can explain to me what their game plan was I would really like to know. My summary of their style was to be slow to the ball, lose it, fall down and whine and then show great indignity if a US payer who they just tripped and mugged loses his balance. Maybe the US team is now reflecting a brand new system, use size and speed to win the ball, play keep away until the other team overcommits to one side then attack with an outside back on the weak side, finish with a cross into the box where a forward or two shoots from 10 yards out. It seems like I have seen that style of play before...I think the names were different though, I seem to remember names like Magath, Littbarski, Brehme, Voller and, oh yes, Klinsmann. It was nice to hear the announcers acknowledge the American Outlaws as a supporter group, they are doing it right. Looking good Jurgen, now if Brazil can keep its government for another year we should have a good World Cup.

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