
Random Blog Thoughts

I just wanted to post a few things I've been thinking about as I'm playing catch-up.
  • I love the live/tape delay of the blogs. It's awesome reading how feelings can change throughout the game. AC Milan owned MAN U for the first twenty minutes and yet at 70 minute,s after Rooney's second header, Martin Tyler had them out of Champions League, only to see a nail-biting conclusion in which the Italians were dangerously close to netting an equalizer. That being said, don't count on me to pull this off during a match. I might run in and enter a few comments if I get the chance, but it's not likely, particularly for the big matches, like the US WC Match against England.
  • What's up with the HD on Fox Soccer Channel? I watched the AC Milan/Man U match on the Boston Comcast Channel and it was unbelievable quality. Same goes for ESPN2 during the Spanish 1st division and early Saturday morning EPL Games. The FSC games? Not so much. It's better than the Standard Definition they used to have, but it's not like the HD in the other channels. It's like Medium definition or something.
  • The reason I love Spurs is because it's identical to my love of the Redskins. For the first couple of years I supported them, it was their knack for dominating games early and giving up injury-time corner kick goals to lose or draw. They also run through Managers like Snyder runs through head coaches as Jol, Allen, Ramos, and Redknapp have all been Manager since I started supporting in '06. Over the past two months their offense has mirrored the Redskins during their recent 20 game stretch of averaging 16 points. They hit the cross-bar, they miss penalties, and they regularly turn opposing no-name goalies into Tony Shumacher. If they were an NFL Team, they would eat up the entire second quarter with a masterful 10 minute, 87 yard drive that stalls at the four and ends up with a field goal. In the infamous Bill Simmons ESPN article that led to Pete and I becoming Spurs supporters this was listed as the Single Best Reason NOT to Pick Them: One reader writers, "If you want a team that will absolutely crush your spirit, you must support Tottenham Hotspur for the '06-'07 EPL season."

Sound familiar?


  1. So pumped to see a post from Mark :) I know things are crazy, but I think the blog has missed you.

    Yeah, I plan on watching big WC games with a group of people, perhaps at Summers or somewhere similar and far, far away from a computer (And definitely the US games).

    I do imagine, though, that there might be some I do try and live-blog, like the Germany vs. Ghana type clashes in the group stages.

    Nice analogy with Spurs-Skins- seems spot on.

  2. DTV does not have FSC HD just yet which is why the picture has not improved. It should happen in the next few weeks. What happens when FSC+ comes along is anyone's guess right now.

    Julie and I have discussed the live blogging and absolutely agreed that there is no way we'll be anywhere close to a computer during any big match. Like Julie said, I'll be more apt to do it for random group stage games.
