
New FIFA Rankings out

So here are the new FIFA rankings.

Apparently, England showed well in this WC as they move up a spot to 7. Seriously? Ghana, however, was a missed PK from being in the Semifinals and they are 23rd?

Does anyone at FIFA watch soccer?


  1. Well the problem is now much clearer.

    According to the ranking procedure, European opponents are weighted at 100; South American opponents at 98; and everyone else at 85!?

    So the North American teams, e.g. US, or African teams, e.g. Ghana, accumulate 15% less ranking points then a European or South American team with the same won loss record. In fact the way the system works, if the US beats Ghana it gets 85% of the points a European team would get if they beat Ghana because the US is from Concacaf and the European team is from Europe.

    In addition, since the non-European and non-South American teams are ranked lower because of the weighting; competitions against those teams also adds fewer points for a victory, etc.

    So don't worry the European and South American teams will always be ranked higher than North American and African teams.

    Is there anyone out there who still believes FIFA is worthy of any time or attention?

  2. In addition to the excellent points/examples already made, didn't we just have some kind of tournament to decide how countries around the world are ranked?

    Additional absurdly ranked countries (all of whom competed in the NIT I guess):
    Egypt (9)
    Greece (12)
    Croatia (15)

    And despite playing in the NIT, those guys are all ranked higher than:
    Ghana (23)
    Mexico (24)
    Japan (32)
    South Korea (44)

    Mighty Gabon (34) is ranked a full 10 spots higher than South Korea by the way.

    Perhaps FIFA could hire Paul to do take over the ranking duties.

  3. Establishment Defender...

    We can quibble with the rankings, but they are not solely dependent on how you do in the most recent World Cup. No mathematical formula would be perfect, but they have at least tried to make it better than is used to be (in the days when the US and Mexico were battling it out for 5 and 6).

    I'm not sure why Mexico fell so far (unless they had some awful friendly loss that I can't remember), but Ghana and Japan both rose at least 9 spots based on their WC performance alone.

    The countries who really failed at this WC (Italy, France, Cameroon, Nigeria) are fell by at least 9 spots while the countries who really surprised (Uruguay, Ghana, Paraguay, New Zealand, even South Africa) rose significantly.

    Essentially, I don't get what the big fuss is all about.

  4. Also, something is telling me that a certain DMH Jr. is not a fan of FIFA.
